To increase the health awareness of the population, 中国政府于2016年推出了一项名为“健康中国2030”的国家卫生战略。. The strategy aims to, amongst other things, 鼓励人们采取健康的生活方式,并列入雄心勃勃的目标,例如使30%的人口具有健康意识. To reach this goal, education as well as detailed suggestions such as dietary intake of salt and dietary oil, have been introduced to increase health awareness.

人们越来越意识到锻炼和健康饮食的好处,这改变了消费者的心态, and the demand for healthy food as well as health supplements has increased, providing opportunities for food and beverage companies with healthy products.

However, with changing consumption behaviours, 公司还需要了解其中的含义,以便使他们的产品符合市场需求,从而在市场上取得成功.

Clean labels with healthy and functional food on the rise

In recent years, 中国消费者增加了在健康和生活方式相关产品上的支出,自2015年以来,有机食品的销售额增长了125%, reaching 80.5 billion RMB in 2020.

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Organic food consumption in China, 2015-2020

Content of the food and how it is produced has also become more important. This has led to a trend in products labelled as clean, organic, not containing any preservatives, all-natural, and similar, becoming some of the fastest growing categories. Consumers have also started to desire higher quality consumption experiences, preferring recognizable products associated with a country’s heritage and culture. As such, 来自农场和工厂的现场直播显示了生产过程,这是F&B products, given that they show the origin and production of the products.

越来越多的消费者也意识到摄入过量盐和类似成分的风险,并正在调整他们的摄入量. 因此,钠含量较低的食品在市场上稳步增长.

Functional sport and fitness food, previously consumed mainly by professional athletes and bodybuilders, 随着中国健身行业的发展,现在更大程度上也进入了主流消费. 像蛋白粉这样有助于提高运动效果的产品逐渐变得越来越受欢迎, 如今,高蛋白和低脂食品在更广泛的消费者群体中受到欢迎.

Use of targeted health supplements spreading across age groups

中国保健品市场是全球第二大市场,自2015年以来年均增长6%.7 per cent, reaching 176.3 billion CNY in 2020. The use of health supplements in China is increasing and spreading across age groups, with changing demands on functionality, dosage, as well as ways of procurement.

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China's health supplements market size, 2015-2020

尽管老年人一直是中国补品的主要消费者, 年轻一代对自我保健的日益关注和购买力的增强,使他们成为一个更重要的客户群体. 他们现在也在大家庭的购买决策中发挥着更大的作用, not only purchasing for themselves, shifting the consumer group to now span across all age groups.

中国消费者也越来越多地寻求满足特定需求的补品, in addition to traditional supplements such as vitamins and mineral supplements. Because of this, there has been an increase in the share of consumers using multiple supplements, 在2018年至2020年期间,购买两种以上保健品的消费者比例将从21%上升到29%.

Compared to traditional intake in the form of pills and capsules, supplements in the form of snacks and small packaged is now on the rise, with e.g. collagen gummy and vitamin candy both experiencing double-digit growth during 2020.

Product information is a crucial factor for the purchasing decision

When it comes to the purchasing process itself, 中国消费者正变得越来越理性,在购买进口食品前会搜索更多信息, beverages and health supplements. Brand recognition, 产品功效和产品安全是影响中国消费者购买决策的关键因素.

However, due to the large amount of information available, word-of-mouth is seen as the most trusted information channel, 关键意见领袖(kol)在营销工作中发挥着至关重要的作用,他们与追随者有着紧密的联系. As such, 与其他在线渠道相比,能够实现消费者之间互动的电子商务平台表现出更高的转化率.

E-commerce has in recent years become the largest sales channel for imported food, beverage and supplements in China, today accounting for 40 per cent of the total sales of supplements. Cross-border e-commerce, 这是中国政府推出的一项具体政策,旨在让外国品牌更容易进入中国消费者市场, has also emerged as an important sales channel for foreign suppliers, especially in food, beverage and supplements as no Chinese label CFDA filing or registration is required.


在中国,消费者的需求和趋势向更积极的生活方式转变,为企业提供了实现这种转变的产品的机会. However, as Chinese consumers are increasingly selective with what they purchase, 被认为是一种与特定国家的遗产和形象相关的产品,可能被视为积极的.

To Chinese consumers, the Swedish brand is associated with quality, safety, sustainability and health, providing an opportunity for Swedish providers to build on. Yet, the Chinese market is complex, and a potential entry needs to be evaluated, planned for and executed on with care.

Business Sweden is now launching a Health by Sweden cross-border store on Tmall Global, one of China’s largest B2C e-commerce platforms, providing access to the Chinese market for healthy Swedish food and beverage companies. Leveraging the Swedish brand and a joint value proposition, 该店为在中国已有业务的品牌和新进入者打开了中国市场.


Johan Lennefalk, Market Manager Beijing

Windy Liu, Project Manager Beijing